Bee's Art Commissions
• PayPal or CashApp.
There is no way around this. Sorry. if you are desperate, Ko-Fi, which is connected to my paypal. If you cant do either of these things, we don’t have a deal.
• For The Love Of God, Do NOT Give Your Address To Me.
If Paypal is, at any point, asking for your address, paypal is expecting me to SHIP something to you! If you don’t know how to work paypal, just talk to me! We can get it all worked out, and I can even create an invoice for you if you wish.
If you come at me with some crazy detailed things that will take me a lot of careful work to do, there will be extra charges.
• These prices are based on minimum wage.
If you feel a price is too high - sorry (but not sorry). This is currently my job, and I have bills to pay. Things are based on minimum wage and the time it takes me to do the work. If you feel a price is too low? You could always tip <333
Exampels & Pricing!
please feel free to ask me for more examples if you want them!
Depending on the work, I usually add a very simple solid-color background.
If you want a background (i.e., a bedroom, a kitchen), there will be an extra charge added.
This charge can be between $10-$30, depending on complexity.
I also can do very detailed landscapes (meaning: The Outside). This can add up to a $25-$35 dollar charge, as these landscapes usually take me a few days to finish, and include foreground too!
Here are some examples of the landscape type backgrounds (First one I'd charge 25, second I'd charge 35, for comparison).
• Fanart/Fandom art
Though I do ask that it's at least a fandom I am from, or have some interest in. This isn't always a demand, more a request.
• Ships
I don't care what your ships are, if you passionately love it, let me draw it for you!
• YOU!
Want me to draw YOU? That's cool. Just know that my style is a lot more cartoony/anime-like, and the finish project would be far from lifelike realism. You'd also have to be comfortable with sharing an image of yourself (which I would never post myself! Your images are safe with me.)
• OCs
I'm totally down to draw your OCs! I can even make OC references for you, if that's what you're looking for.
• OC + Canon Character Ships
Want to ship your OC with a canon character? Go for it! Live your best life. This also goes for self-shipping! If you want me to draw YOU with a canon character, no judgement here, that's awesome. I can draw that for you too!
• Monsters!
Like monsters? Want me to draw monsters? Want to ship humans with monsters? I'm down for all of that stuff.
• Gore
There's some limits I have with gore (which we can discuss if you are curious!). But if you're looking for blood and guts, I'm your gal.
I will draw smut, but there's some stipulations here! Please don't be afraid to contact me for more info! You must also confirm to me that you are over the age of 18.
NSFW IMAGES ARE CHARGED AN EXTRA FEE! It all depends on the complexity of whats going on!
• If you aren't sure if I'll be willing to draw something, just come ask me!
• Political/Social stuff
If you're looking for someone to draw art depicting how you feel about certain politics or current social justice stuff, I'm not that person.
• Death
Note that 'gore' doesn't really fall under this. I'm fine with some gore, but if there is actual death depicted in any crude manor, I just don't want to draw it.
•Some Others
There are a few things out there that I am not comfortable doing, but don't really arise until I personally see it. If we are talking about something that upsets me, I'll let you know (but I am pretty chill lol)